Selected work


B2B BLOG: OptumCare “Clinician Insights”

For three years, Melissa has been a member of the marketing team behind OptumCare’s thought leadership blog, Clinician Insights. Interviewing Chief Medical Officers across the nation, her interviews and the forty plus articles and social media distribution strategy that she creates as a ghostwriter go on to connect and inspire best practices and value based care for the thousands of Optum physicians that read them.

OptumCare Clinician Insights

INTERACTIVE MICROSITE: George Washington University

Working with online education firm 2U, this piece required intense research, several interview with academics, and a strategy to present information on-brand and in interactive formats. It came out beautiful, functional, and a unique teaching tool advertising GW’s prominent position in public health education.

Environmental options by budget and bandwidth




Attendance and writing for Haymarket Media C-suite speakers event. Coverage of speakers and sponsors with Haymarket style and focused marketing goals.

"Gaging Campaign Lift"


BLOG: American Medical Writers Association

Lending a unique take to leadership and sharing personal experience to illustrate this year’s conference topics and encourage new attendees.

Everyone leads: a clinical take



BLOG + infographics, Race and asthma
USC Nursing

Designed to shine a light on the health disparities facing children in urban areas. Deep research with dozens of academic and clinical contact to figure out the why, the who, and give voice to solutions that make changes in stricken communities.

Does race increase your chances of asthma?



This long piece covers a team of young, boundary breaking scientists at UVA’s School of Nursing and School of Engineering. They’ve come together to create patient friendly, meaningful technology designed to save lives.

Virginia Nursing Legacy Magazine cover feature