No more free birth control, says President


That's right. I was pretty stoked about the Affordable Care Act requirement that birth control to be 100% covered by all insurance plans. What a great thing! To not have to pay more for health care simply because you have a uterus! To make accessible the means of controlling when you will have children, thereby increasing your chances of advancing your education and career, making you, a uterus-haver, more able to pursue the dream of being an independent and self-sufficient citizen-contributor.Allegedly the pres. wants to put a stop to abortions. Presumably the fewer abortions the better?  Since free birth control provided by the ACA became available the number of abortions per capital dropped to its lowest level since data collection began at Roe v. Wade.MAKE UP YOUR MIND.This is abysmal health policy. Terrible public policy. Bad economic policy. And its perfectly in tune with the administration's regard for women. NONE.