Medicaid block grant HC Triage and a quiz.


So you're an audio/visual learner. Maybe you prefer to watch Aaron Carroll talk about Medicaid block grants on Healthcare Triage. Five minutes to being smart enough to policy wrestle any date in the D.C. metro area this week. THERE WILL BE A QUIZ.[youtube]1.) What are some of the "perverse incentives" created by Medicaid's current funding model? (HINT: think fee-for-service care). Does block granting address these incentives? Include direct and indirect implications for state budgets.2.) If per-person spending has remained relatively flat, and Dr. Carroll is correct in saying that the increase in overall Medicaid spending comes from the increased number of enrollees, and enrollment eligibility is tied to the federal poverty level (as well as qualifying criteria such as being a child, a pregnant woman, or disabled) what can we assume about poverty in America? HINT: I really pointed you right at this one. You don't need a hint.Now go out there and get'em.