Zika Virus Update from Dr. Fauci


DEET. Use it liberally.

You might have noticed that one of my favorite humans in health care is Dr. Fauci, Director of NIAID. Link below is his review of Zika up to now. It is solid and made for laypeople. He's of the older school (patriarchal but not exclusive to male MDs) where doctors were bosses, not patient partners. This almost out-of-fashion kind of doctoring is reassuring in an emergency when the doc wears his title as a moral obligation to get the right answers and fix it fix it fix it. The perfect amount of condescension so you feel confident that he's one of the smartest people on the planet and you're lucky he's working for you.I find the mass of information put out by CDC hard to wade through. This press conference covers brief history, current state of the science, vaccines in development, funding issues.Fauci at the National Press ClubAnd I enjoy the image of Dr. Fauci in his DC backyard knocking standing water off of plant leaves.