(GOOD NEWS AFTER THE ARTICLE) This study shows so much of what’s wrong with medical research today | The Incidental Economist

This study shows so much of what’s wrong with medical research today | The Incidental Economist.I won't wade too deeply into this pool right now. Every moment I spend is borrowed time from NCLEX studying. But it's worth mentioning that despite the incredibly difficult environment of academic research I see all around me nurse researchers doing what nurses are known to do--finding a way to make it work. They are making efforts to conduct unit-based research and if appropriate expand evidence based practice to other units and through professional networks to outside health systems. This research focuses on patient safety, quality improvement, and money savings to patient and health care system. Simple, cheap, and effective are markers of success. The example of using the blood pressure cuff to reduce kidney damage in cardiac surgery is right up the alley of unit-based nursing research.Recognizing bedside nurses as professionals with the capacity to contribute in this essential way to the improvement of care (and bottom line) is mandatory for health systems moving forward. We are endlessly capable when given the time, the tools, and the support to make positive changes. It's a super bonus that we aren't stuck with the difficulties ($$$, popularity contests) of grant-dependent research.At the health system I trained in a nurse is championing Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols. Unit by unit she is getting buy in and rolling it out. I've seen her data: it is significant. Patients are going home sooner and healthier.So my plea to my fellow nurses is publish your work! Read each other's studies! Let's flex our skills. Let's brag on each other. There's a lot to be proud of.