RFK on MLK and the actual struggle.


Graduate school has decided to be acutely painful in its final days. I'm couch-surfing through my last week. After that my friends I will resume responsibilities as mother, occasional blog writer, and amateur critic of everything that crosses my path.Had to share this as I went down a rabbit hole on a health policy paper and ended up at this speech--recommended by my #1 policy prof via a note on an old assignment, "one of the most powerful political speeches of the modern era," and what do you know all of a sudden I have time to look it up. RFK quotes Aeschylus. And the people of the Starbucks are used to my crying by now. You've seen it before? Are you watching the news? Watch this again.Robert F. Kennedy delivered this impromptu speech announcing the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. to a largely African American audience in Indianapolis. His brother was dead 4 years, and he would be assassinated before the spring was out.Have we become so cynical that our leaders are unable to move us? Or is it the patina of time that makes this sound genuine? Listen anyway.[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCrx_u3825g&w=420&h=315]