Why Health Care Tech Is Still So Bad - NYTimes.com

I interviewed Boeing’s top cockpit designers, who wouldn’t dream of green-lighting a new plane until they had spent thousands of hours watching pilots in simulators and on test flights.

via Why Health Care Tech Is Still So Bad - NYTimes.com.Let me tell you about my favorite provider. She faces me, each of us at right angles to each other at her computer desk, and writes everything down on a yellow legal pad. She goes system by system, like a quality shift hand-off report. We use the computer to review labs. She never prints out "educational information." I get handwritten notes and web addresses as needed. She talks and writes fast, with military precision (active Air Force) and maintains eye contact. She pauses and sits back in her chair to look at me when she senses I'm holding back or is working to figure out a complex set of problems.Her pad is on the table between us, and I can see everything she is writing. I sometimes correct or edit it. It is never longer than a page.Duplication of work you say! Well, with Alice there is no time lost, no errors made by the anguish of garbage in garbage out. We draft it together. Then it goes in the permanent record.The big hurdle, the big secret... she works at NIH. Where time and dollars aren't the exact same thing.Just a thought. PSST she is also a nurse by training <3.