Universal health care through the lens of national history, identity.


The Lancet-The Trap of History

Every country has its own story, its own fears and dark shadows. One of the biggest unacknowledged challenges facing global health is adapting evidence to these national stories, resolving a persistent and troubling discrepancy between knowledge, history, and identity.

A MUST READ. Also though not directly related, an argument for liberal arts education as a grounding force in our science-and-tech obsessed world.

Short but oh-so relevant as we in the US scratch heads and gnash teeth and poor poor policy makers can't seem to get a handle on HOW DO WE MAKE THESE PEOPLE HAPPY! My dream team that will save US health care: The Social Anthropologist, The Historian, The Sociologist, The Behavioral Economist, The Nurse!, and we'll have a doc too if Atul Gawande has the time. He we be called The Atul Gawande.