Why the cops don't get called for campus sexual assaults.


How does it make sense that universities are responsible for adjudicating sexual assaults on campus? Well, Title IX and US Supreme Court rulings dating back to the 1970s. Read the article, it explains the why and makes clear just how short UVA and others are coming up in complying with the mandate. Ugh.via No, We Can’t Just Leave College Sexual Assault to the Police - Alexandra Brodsky and Elizabeth Deutsch - POLITICO Magazine.

What Alexander helped to establish, then, is that campus rape is not just a crime but also an impediment to a continued education—and to subsequent success in the workplace and public life. That means that Title IX’s protections are necessary for an individual student’s learning opportunities and for gender equality throughout American life. If sexual violence goes unaddressed at universities, women will face unconscionable obstacles to education, professional success and full citizenship.