Whooping cough outbreak at Grand Traverse Academy nearly doubles to 161 probable cases


Image NIAIDWhooping cough outbreak at Grand Traverse Academy nearly doubles to 161 probable cases | MLive.com.Herd immunity/community immunity: when enough people are immune to a disease, that disease will not spread through the population. As a result those who are not or cannot be vaccinated (pregnant women, infants, immunocompromised) are protected from the disease as well.Infants are eligible to receive their first pertussis immunizations at 2 months. Pertussis/whooping cough in the first three months of life is frequently severe and often fatal. Pertussis is a respiratory disease that in early stages has the same symptoms of a cold. Babies are most likely to get the disease from a parent or a sibling. (American Academy of Pediatrics)I'm not going to ruin my night by getting on the soap box because it's Saturday and ACA open enrollment is not a total disaster so far and I was just destroying at Jeopardy, but y'all are picking up what I'm putting down, right?